Get In Shape At Home and Lose Bodyweight
The best form of home gym exercise fitness equipment to lose bodyweight is some form of cardio equipment. Some examples of home gym cardio equipment are treadmills, stairmasters, and exercise bikes. To use home gym fitness equipment to lose bodyweight, you should use it at least three times per week for thirty minutes at a time. If you do this consistently, you should see the weight melt off of you. Of course, you should also eat a healthy, well balanced diet to ensure that you're getting all the vitamins and minerals you need. In addition, you should drink at least eight to ten glasses of water per day.

How it Works
This equipment uses Whole Body Vibration to create instability in the user's body. With each vibration, the muscles in the body are forced to perform reflexive, contracting muscle actions anywhere from 25 to 50 times per second. The contractions must work in multiple dimensions as the power plate oscillates on all three planes, much like the human body is designed to do. The end result is a tough workout in a fraction of the usual time, increasing overall strength and power.The way that whole body vibration works is best explained by the law of motion, as stated by Sir Isaac Newton: force = mass x acceleration. In other words, by applying more mass or more acceleration the body, one can increase and improve functional force (strength, power, etc).
What this equipment does to you
1. Consume the unwanted fat on hip. On waist and on abdomen by vibration and massage. Therefore, polish the skin and reshape the body.
2. With age growing, detrimental stuffs like cholesterol, calcium will depositin in the vein and tighten the interior diameter and stiffen the vein which often ensue high blood pressure and anoxemia even coronary heart disease. Frenquent vibration by CFM spurs circulation of blood therefor spread the vein and dissolve the detrimental stuffs with metabolism and finally evacuate them.
3. Improve conductive ability of nerve cells, regulate the neural system and mitigate neurasthenic.
4. Refresh you by simulating intestine and cure constipation by massage the points according to ancient chinese medical theory.
5. Keep fit without burden and better constitution and enhance immunity by enhancing local circulation of blood.
This not for everyone
While whole body vibration is ideal for helping speed up the recovery process, it is not recommended for those with recent wounds from an operation or surgical intervention as the motion may loosen stitches. It is also not recommended for those with recently fitted IUDs, metal pins, coils, bolts, or plates. Pregnant women as well as those with Epilepsy, severe diabetes, synthetic/artificial joints, tumors, and pacemakers should avoid the powerplate as a form of exercise. If you are unsure as to whether or not the equipment is safe for you, check with your doctor before using