We’ve seen many hand-powered charging devices to charge our cellphones, especially when we find ourselves with absolutely no power source nearby. Here is one more very affordable hand-crank charging device that relies totally on your muscle power to get up to juice. Once you get some charge into this device that has a battery to store power, you can plug you mobile phone’s USB charger and juice up your mobile phone’s battery. The only downside is that you need a mobile phone that has USB connectivity. This handy contraption can even be used on other rechargeable devices that have USB connectivity and is very portable due to it’s small size. Lest we forget, this charger even has a little torchlight built into it.
This pedal-charging device from Japan is like the under-desk "Power Stepper" but does it one better: Not only will it fulfill the forced laborer's daily fitness quota, but Gizmodo says it will also produce enough electricity to power mobile phones, media players, or any number of other gadgets. Just don't let your taskmaster boss find out about it, or he may make battery levels part of your performance review.
"MIT has unveiled its $100 hand-cranked laptop computer to the United Nations technology summit in Tunisia and said that it hopes to make millions of the devices to give to the poorest people in the world. The lime-green machines, which are about the size of a text book, will offer wireless connectivity via a mesh network of their own creation allowing peer-to-peer communication and operate in areas without a reliable electricity supply,"